From The Center of Addiction & Faith
President, Rev. Dr. Ed Treat

Thank you for your consideration in investing in this critical ministry!  We are deeply grateful to you for this vote of confidence to partner with us at The Center of Addiction & Faith.

I have been in addiction recovery for 34 years and I have spent the last 25 years of my life as a Lutheran Pastor. My most recent call was as a Senior Pastor of a large Lutheran congregation in Bloomington, Minnesota. I am happily married, and have raised four great children. I have so much to be grateful for. I planned to serve as Pastor for another 10 years or so, and then retire. However, God always seems to have different plans than what I was anticipating. Does that ever happen to you?

In 2019 I resigned from my position as Senior Pastor, and have became a half-time Pastor in order to pursue this new calling. Moving to half-time Pastoral duties also reduced my pay and benefits in half. In 2020 I submitted my full resignation as Pastor effective November 30, in order to work on this mission full time. I’ve also taken out a loan to help get The Center of Addiction & Faith off the ground. I guess you could say “I’m all in”.

This all feels kind of crazy and foolish, and yet I’ve never been more certain about anything God wanted me to do. I believe in this. I am certain this is what I’m supposed to do, and I know my life has prepared me for this exact work. I tell you this because the other thing I am certain about is that I cannot do this important work alone. We need partners who can help make this ministry happen!

We need your help! 

So many people are dying slow deaths of despair due to addiction, but they don’t need to be; addiction is preventable, it’s treatable, we can heal it. I have also witnessed that when people are healed from this particular problem, they become a force for good—there aren’t many diseases you can say that about. It’s a physical disease with a spiritual solution.  

So, I’m asking for your help. Will you become a financial supporter? Will you help extend a hand to someone who is suffering?

Displayed on this page are the donor levels I ask you to consider participating in. Please prayerfully give thought to how you can financially help The Center of Addiction & Faith continue its mission.  Help us make a difference, click the donate button now.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Ed Treat


Donor Levels
Ongoing recurring monthly gift of any amount
Annual gift of up to $250
Annual gift of $251 to $999
Annual gift of $1,000 to $2,499
Annual gift of $2,500 to $4,999
Annual gift of $5,000 to $9,999
Annual gift of $10,000 or more
Ministry Partner
Congregational Mission Partners (congregations)
$500 or more annual gift
Treatment and Mental Health Center Partners
$500 or more annual gift
Business Endorsement
$500 and up annual gift
Corporate Endorsement
$5,000 and up annual gift

All donations are greatly appreciated!

A donation of $500- $4,999 will be acknowledged with the name of the person/company/church on the CAF website for one calendar year.

A donation of $5,000+ will be acknowledged with the name/logo (if applicable) of the person/company/church, and a link to their website.

All acknowledgements stated above will remain on the website for the current calendar year. All qualifying donations made throughout the year, will be acknowledged soon after the donation date until December 31 of the donation year.