Support the Center of Addiction and Faith

Why Give?

The work of the Center of Addiction & Faith is possible only because of friends and supporters like you! We are not sustained by any large institution, foundation, or corporation; we are funded by people who give freely because they have been impacted by the disease of addiction—in all of its forms—and believe our work can help. Gifts of any amount are received gratefully and are tax-deductible in the United States to the full extent allowed by the law.

We are a young organization, dedicated to meeting a critical need at a critical time. We are a prophetic voice to awaken faith communities to more fully welcome and minister to persons with addiction and their loved ones. In the wake of the pandemic, we are leading the call to transformation of our places of worship.
Our offerings provide safe, even collaborative spaces, for sharing to regain experience, hope and strength.

If you think you are alone, you’re mistaken. Let’s walk together.

Ways to Give
  • Make an Online Donation using PayPal by clicking the Donate Today button at the top of this page.
  • Send a check. Make the check payable to “Center of Addiction & Faith” and if possible, please include your email address in the memo line so we can send you an immediate donation receipt.

       Mail to:  The Center of Addiction & Faith  
                   7167 Waterstone Lane 
                   Woodbury, MN 55125


 Have questions? To inquire about partnerships and other giving options, or to talk with our founder confidentially about a critical concern related  to addiction, email [email protected]

How We Steward Your Donations

Our operating values hold the Center of Addiction & Faith to high standards of stewardship. We honor your partnership and work to steward our still-limited resources in the best possible way to serve our vision of a more loving world. Donations help to fund the following:

  • Addiction & Faith Conference 
  • Monthly Webinars—We offer monthly Webinars through Zoom that feature experts in their field speaking on issues critical to supporting faith communities and individuals in healing from addiction. We also offer participants an opportunity to discuss the issues presented in a more intimate way, in a 30-minutes discussion following the presentation. We want these offerings to remain free of charge to all who need them.
  • Online Resources—We offer a content-rich Web site with information that informs and contributes to healing, for a variety of audiences—clergy, the mental-health community, thought leaders and public servants and members of the recovery community. All information, including sermon preparation tools, remains free. We are eager to upgrade this content and our platform.
  • Ongoing Communications —We regularly communicate information of interest and news-to-know to do our part in reshaping mistaken attitudes about addiction. We keep a database thousands of people who have opted to receive information from us. We would like to be using CRM software to better manage this information and your preferences.
  • CAC Podcast Network—Our podcasts, Stories of Addiction & Grace, feature clergy who have surrendered to addiction and allowed themselves to be transformed by God’s grace. All of our offerings reside on the Center of Addiction & Faith app, for easy access. We work with a podcasting company who generously donates studio and production time. We will eventually need to underwrite this work.
  • Tomorrow’s Work—We are eager to reach out to seminaries across the country and other places where faith leaders are formed to ensure that they are prepared in the science of addiction. We want to strengthen our voice from sanctuaries and prisons to public squares and cyber space. Our operations need to expand with staff and supporting technology to do this work.
  • Expansion of CAF’s Mission and Vision— With all that is happening in the world today what we need is more than a traditional faith community or nonprofit can provide. We need a new way forward—a transformation of old ideas. The Center of Addiction & Faith is working towards this growing edge through our expansion of community, connection, awareness and faith.

Thank you for your trust and support.

Receipt of Donations

The Center of Addiction & Faith acknowledges each donation with a receipt for tax records. This happens right away when we have your email address on file. Physical receipts are mailed if your email address isn’t on hand. If you need an additional copy of a receipt or an annual statement of your donations for the previous year, please reach out to us at [email protected]. The IRS does not require donations under $250 to be verified by receipt.

Our Federal Tax ID # is 37-1962528.

Copyright ©2021 Center of Addiction and Faith. All rights reserved.