
Where head, heart, and hands connect.

There are increasing studies on the subject of addiction and a wide variety of theories, but it’s not until those theories and studies are put into action can we see how they make a difference in our lives and in our world. Praxis is where theory and practical application meet. Where does the real truth of addiction knowledge apply to our lives in a practical way and where does it truly make a difference to make the world a better place?

This is a page of resources for faith communities to learn how addiction ministries are being carried out and successfully impacting our world and changing lives.

Al Sharp Write introduction Clergy for a New Drug Policy ELCA/John Johnson or other list of denominational resources, links, what they are doing.

Harm Reduction—explain, link

Henry’s Uncle


This Is My Brave




American Society of Addiction Medicine

Smart Recovery

I write introduction to this page

Ministry programs and development—

Drew, research and write an introduction to what’s available out there for congregations wanting to learn about how to develop meaningful ministries and a brief description with links to each?

  • Faith Partners
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • others

Recovery Worship

Tom write a description/introduction to the topic, talk about trends and practices that are working—come up with some useful downloadable resources and links


Best Practices

Tom, can give a run-down on the kinds of ministry this is effective for reaching and engaging recovering people



Intro—I write

Request a speaker form download—expert, testimony, pastor, specialist, teacher


Assessment, intervention, treatment

I write intro

Links to online forms for assessment, links to referrals page for intervention

Denominational Resources

Day training events for judicatories church leadership & staff


Recovery Ministry Coaching

  • Tom & Drew maybe host a monthly coaching session online to answer questions
  • Online support Groups
  • RMEC 12-Step meeting
  • FRLC Meeting
  • Clergy Only Meeting (FRLC to lead)
  • Facebook Recovery Groups
  • Amy Krentzman’s meeting list


Programs & Media Resources

  • Bible Studies on Addiction
  • Educational Video & Podcasts on addiction
  • Addiction Movies/television shows for teaching
  • Books—list of books and description
  • Curriculum & Literature
  • RMEC literature downloads
  • Curriculum
    • Steve Rummler
    • Others


Bulletin Board

  • A place for sharing of information, ideas, inspiration, best practices, and events.


Christian Online Resources

  • FRLC
  • RMEC
  • NACR
  • Celebrate Recovery


Secular State & National Resources

  • National—list of top national resources
  • State—drop down menu with each state and the best state provided resources


  • A map showing where to find a church that know about addiction
  • A map showing where recovery worship is offered